Poker Chronicles – Humor & Poker Stories

Most of us take our poker-playing pretty seriously and never think about injecting some humor into our poker strategy. We study the game; we adorn poker wear. We even practice our poker faces in order to conceal our true emotions. Once at the table, we try to play our best game, get into the zone, and focus on every element of our ever-changing environment. Looking for tells, studying other players, reading the board, hey, it’s a lot to keep up with.

But, then it happens. Someone says or does something that is funny and we can’t control our smiles or laughter. Sometimes it is not even intended to be funny, which only serves to intensify the laughter. Then there are those times that you just get a comedian, famous or not, at the table, and they keep the table in stitches throughout the game.

Years ago, when I lived in Las Vegas, I played a session with Tim Allen and another with Sarah Jessica Parker. Alice Cooper (I didn’t know who he was for hours) was there on another occasion. Those games were anything but focused, yet I had a great time.

Terry Wood, author of is holding up a "Joker" as a symbol that there are often funny stories relating to poker.
Image showing a poker player that may not enjoy aggressive table talk, a tactic often used at the poker table.

Can Humor Be A Strategy

But can humor really be part of an overall strategy? I would say yes! Why? Because it is merely another form of table talk, right? We’ve all witnessed or may even participate in table talk to disrupt our opponent’s game. We want to tilt them, get them off balance. Humor can be used to the same end. But in this case, the players are having a good time, yet still distracted. Speaking for myself, it’s not nearly as frustrating to lose my money to someone I like, and who doesn’t enjoy a good joke or story?

Of course, your stories or jokes must be funny and well-presented. The timing must be right, as well as having a receptive audience. There are some tables that may take a little “warming up”, but even those super quite , which usually means tight, can be brought to life.

Send us your favorite poker jokes, stories, and videos. We will publish them here and update them weekly.

Poker Stories

Then we have those poker stories that may not be funny, but interesting. I’m not talking about stories you would tell at the table, or maybe you would. But, stories you may care to share with all our readers. It could be about an exceptionally unusual hand you played or witnessed or just something out of the normal that happened during a session.

I am looking forward to the humor and stories from our readers. If you would like to post yours, please submit it to We look forward to hearing from you.

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